4/3-4/9 Weekly layout and meal plan (Happy Planner)

I thought I’d start posting my weekly layouts and meal plans, since I see a LOT of weekly layouts in groups that are gorgeous and fun, but…not very practical. I USE my planner, to the fullest extent, and while it’s somewhat messy, it’s usable lol. And I love to glean ideas on practical uses! 
Here is this week’s layout, I update my to-do lists and business plans as I go:

This week’s meal planning, and grocery list. Keep in mind that I keep things on hand, and have leftover food from the week before, so this isn’t a complete grocery list for all of these recipes, but if gives you an idea. 🙂

That’s it for my short and sweet post! Do you have a weekly layout and/or meal plan to share? Drop a link in the comments for me to check it out! 🙂 
Happy planning! ❤

Whole30 update!

Well, we have done a sort of Whole30 for a month now (if you missed it, the first few weeks were a set back, because we discovered a product we had been told was sugar-free was indeed not sugar free. ? And then my husband was on a big house fire and needed Powerade for electrolytes, and I decided to go ahead and indulge on some treats a sweet friend had sent me before they went bad, so we decided to start over with the 30 days), and both of us have lost 10 pounds or more (ok, he lost more lol). I still need to get some progress pics for him, but as embarrassing as these are, check out the little bit of progress you can already see! It’s definitely encouraging to me, because it’s so much work to eat this way, fresh and from scratch…there’s zero room for “I don’t feel like cooking, let’s have something pre-made.”? Seeing the progress, wearing clothes that were too small before…it keeps me going! ?

The jeans in the middle are a size down, and the ones on the right are my “old” size… you can see they’re loose lol! I need to find where I packed away the jeans I grew out of! ?

So exciting! Now that we are completely for sure 100% sugar free, I anticipate seeing even more changes!

Stay tuned!