Reading list

I love reading. 

I remember when I read my first chapter book, and I told my grandpa, an avid reader, and he was SO proud of me, that I became proud of myself, and it fueled my love for reading even more.

Then I went to nursing school, and my life was no longer my own lol! And then I became an adult and had adult responsibilities, including home ownership, and somewhere along the way, reading fell off the list of essentials and onto the list of “someday, again.”

But no longer! I am determined to carve out time to read books that have been accumulating on my kindle, and in order to not get overwhelmed with “I want to read them allllllll! Now!!” I found this lovely printable reading list! Thanks to the lovely designer for offering it free of charge! You can find it here:
Now, y’all know how much I love my Happy Planner. ? Naturally, I wanted to size it to fit in my planner, so I can keep it in my trackers section! To print this for the classic HP size, I reduced it to about 80%, which lets me cut it leaving a little extra on the side I want to punch, without punching into the design area.

I printed it on light cardstock, and punched with my HP punch. 

Ahhh… ? 

If you’re curious, here is my reading list… I have probably an odd variety of tastes in reading materials lol! Ah well, what can I say?

My goal is to carve out 20-30 minutes each night before bed to read. I’m also hoping this stills my mind more than browsing Pinterest or frantically making to do lists in my head for the next day lol! Perhaps I will sleep better. ☺️

What are you currently reading, and what’s on your reading list? Do you have a wish list? I’m starting a books wish list on Amazon! ? You know, for after I tackle the 87 books I already own and want to read haha!

Me & My Big Ideas Happy Planner Stamps!

Although I do love stickers, I was anxious to try the new stamps! I LOVE this style of stamp, that clings to an acrylic block…it’s easy to see placement, and they are so much easier to store as well. 

So let’s get started! I got set up with a wet Norwex body cloth, and a dry window cloth, instead of my usual baby wipes, in an effort to be less wasteful. ? (you can purchase environmentally-friendly products like these at 

This is what they look like, if you’re not familiar with how these work:

You place it on an acrylic block such as this one (it clings like a window cling)

Ink, and stamp!


I do like using the body cloth to clean the stamps afterward, but I might try. Regular envirocloth next time. 
I tried the lines next:

These would be rather convenient, I think!

Here are a couple of the layouts in which I used the stamps:

Overall, they’re pretty nice, but they do take a lot of effort, and there is still the everlasting problem with using stamps: smearing ink everywhere. ?

One day I’ll discover a cure for this problem, but in the mean time, these do have some nice features. I definitely plan to use them more!