Weekly layout and meal plan 4/17-4/24

I’m insanely late with my meal plan and weekly layout, and frankly, I’m not super impressed with it or anything, lol.

I am pretty excited about the beef stew-I made a double batch and froze some, since I’m desperately trying to prep some freezer meals, especially for when we decide to start reintroducing foods, so that I don’t just go for convenience.

Ok seriously… how do people have these neat planners?? Their handwriting is perfect, they have nothing scratched out lol… I mean, I’m writing in mine on the go half the time, and it just looks so messy!! ??

My goal is to one day have a pretty Planner. ?

But here it is, and although it’s not exactly gorgeous, it’s pretty functional for me.

As you can see, my blog plan for the week is a bust already. ?

Baby steps. 


Well, I’m hoping to get some more posts up, including more Whole30 recipes, since I got way behind on that! ?

Have a great rest of the week!

4/3-4/9 Weekly layout and meal plan (Happy Planner)

I thought I’d start posting my weekly layouts and meal plans, since I see a LOT of weekly layouts in groups that are gorgeous and fun, but…not very practical. I USE my planner, to the fullest extent, and while it’s somewhat messy, it’s usable lol. And I love to glean ideas on practical uses! 
Here is this week’s layout, I update my to-do lists and business plans as I go:

This week’s meal planning, and grocery list. Keep in mind that I keep things on hand, and have leftover food from the week before, so this isn’t a complete grocery list for all of these recipes, but if gives you an idea. 🙂

That’s it for my short and sweet post! Do you have a weekly layout and/or meal plan to share? Drop a link in the comments for me to check it out! 🙂 
Happy planning! ❤